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Local Student Selected Statewide Fire Prevention Poster Contest

The Sevierville Fire Department is pleased to announce that Cade Glisson, a student at Catlettsburg Elementary School, was been selected as the fourth-grade statewide winner in the 2014 Fire Prevention Week poster contest. The poster contest challenged students, from across the state, to design a poster that showed how “Smoke Alarms Save Lives.”

On January 31, 2015, poster contest winners were invited to visit the Tennessee Fire and Codes Academy in Bell Buckle, Tennessee. A tour of the academy was given for the families and the winners. Numerous educational displays were set-up to allow participants to learn about fire safety and firefighter duties, such as fire extinguisher safety, arson detection with a trained canine, firefighter ropes and rescue equipment. Also, a live side by side burn was done to show the importance of fire sprinklers in the home.

An awards banquet was held at the end of the day. Each contest winner received a certificate and $50.00 dollars for their efforts in the contest.


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Bob Stahlke, Beauftragter für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

300 Gary Wade Blvd.
Sevierville, TN 37864-5500
Telefon: 865.453.5506
