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Neue Hängetöpfe und Bodenpflanzgefäße schmücken die Innenstadt

What: New Hanging Pots and Ground Planters Adorn Downtown Area
Where: Downtown Sevierville
Wann: Laufend

Sevierville Parks and Recreation Department employees have been busy placing new hanging pots and ground planters in the downtown area as part of the Downtown Streetscape Project.

Fifty-four new poles were placed downtown and each has a new hanging basket that has self-watering technology. These baskets are expected to save approximately $6,700 annually in labor and materials costs.

All of the flowers used in the baskets and planters were grown by the Parks and Recreation Department in greenhouses located at City Park. Along with the ground planters, the hanging baskets will provide beautiful flowers downtown from April to October each year.


parks and rec watering plants downtown 04 2021parks and rec watering plants downtown 04 2021 2parks and rec watering plants downtown 04 2021 3


Die Abteilung für Parks und Erholung wird alle Anstrengungen unternehmen, um jedem entgegenzukommen, der Zugang zu Einrichtungen, einschließlich ADA-zugelassener Abhörgeräte, wünscht. Für Unterstützung bei der Barrierefreiheit rufen Sie bitte 865-453-5441 an.


Bob Parker, Direktor

120 Gary Wade Blvd.
Sevierville, TN 37862
Telefon: 865.453.5441

Nationaler Erholungs- und Parkverband – Logo

Tennessee Recreation and Parks Association – Logo