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Co-ed Volleyball

Co-ed Volleyball

The Sevierville Recreation Department is now accepting registration and entry fees for the co-ed volleyball league. There will be an organizational meeting on January 7, 2020 at 6:00 pm at the Sevierville Civic Center. The meeting is also open to anyone interested in playing. Play will be on Monday and Thursday evenings, beginning January 23, 2020, at the Sevierville Community Center. Entry fee is $125.00 and is due by January 16, 2020. Packets can be picked up at the front desk at the Community Center or online at on the athletics page.

You can register online beginning December 2nd at KLICKEN SIE HIER

This league is open for persons who are sixteen (16) years of age or older. Any participant under 18 must have their parent or legal guardian’s permission to play. If you are a serious volleyball player you can join the “A” division or if you just want to have fun then the “B” division is for you. You can come out and practice on Wednesdays from 6:00-8:30 and Sundays from 1-5 pm now until the beginning of the season but you must have four (4) players present before we can set up the equipment.

For more information, Please call the Athletics office at 865-453-6946 or contact Athletics Supervisor Patrick Oxley at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt. Sie müssen JavaScript aktivieren, damit Sie sie sehen können..


Die Abteilung für Parks und Erholung wird alle Anstrengungen unternehmen, um jedem entgegenzukommen, der Zugang zu Einrichtungen, einschließlich ADA-zugelassener Abhörgeräte, wünscht. Für Unterstützung bei der Barrierefreiheit rufen Sie bitte 865-453-5441 an.


Bob Parker, Direktor

120 Gary Wade Blvd.
Sevierville, TN 37862
Telefon: 865.453.5441

Nationaler Erholungs- und Parkverband – Logo

Tennessee Recreation and Parks Association – Logo